A washer series by maytag with a low rate of customer satisfaction and a high rate of failure. permalink; history; subscribe; unsubscribe; stops with an f 51 on the time display. on any setting for wash, the washer will fill and as soon as it does will stop and give a f 51 on the wash display got the f51 message that led the whole. @carriez , f51 flashes when there is a motor rotor position sensor (rps) failure or lower harness problem. perform the diagnostics first. not as complicated as it sounds. let us know if you have trouble with any of the steps. test #3 motor circuit this test checks the wiring to the motor and rotor p... - maytag bravos quiet series 300. Hi..we purchased a maytag-bravos xl washer machine from home depot not even a year ago, and every now and then we would get a f-51 code that would show up on the machine and the machine would stop wor ….
Master tech. factory trained appliance technician with 20 years of in-home appliance repair experience. washers, dryers, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, etc;. So f51 can be caused by many thinks but it all means that the washer doesn't think the basket is spinning properly. typically the issue is a bad sensor, but you'll want to remove the basket and make sure the shaft is corroded or there isn't clothes stuck between the basket first..
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